Hope Factory Apps

Inspirational Quotes App 4.0
Hope Factory
We all need inspiration at different points inour lives. Begin each day with special “inspirational quotes” tomotivate you. “Success each day should be judged by the seeds sown,not the harvest reaped.” ..... “All our dreams can come true, if wehave the courage to pursue them.”..... Each day is a blessing thatbrings an abundance of happiness.Find more quotes i.e “Mother's DayQuotes” and “Fathers Day Quotes”Features:>User friendly interface.>Get Daily “inspirational quotes”.>Save your “inspirational quotes” to read later.>Get alerts when new “inspirational quotes” are available.>Share your favorite “inspirational quotes” with your friendsand family.More>>>*Stay Connected: Add your favorite feed,podcast and forum. Usingthe explore feature in the app.*Go Offline: Articles get saved automatically for offlinereading.*Switch App Theme: Choose between light and dark theme to suityour reading experience.*Share Articles: Share interesting reads with your friends onsocial media platforms.*Sync Articles: Use the sync feature in the app to get fresharticles.
Funny Jokes App 4.0
Hope Factory
Laughter is the best medicine and is importantfor your overall health. Download the ''Funny Jokes App'',for yourdaily dose of hilarious to keep you entertained throughout the day!Features:*User friendly interface.*Get Daily “Funny Jokes”.*Save your “Funny Jokes” to read later.*Get alerts when new “Funny Jokes” are available.*Share your favorite “Funny Jokes” with your friends andfamily.*This application contains advertising to cater for theoverheads.More>>>*Stay Connected: Add your favorite feed,podcast and forum. Usingthe explore feature in the app.*Go Offline: Articles get saved automatically for offlinereading.*Switch App Theme: Choose between light and dark theme to suityour reading experience.*Share Articles: Share interesting reads with your friends onsocial media platforms.*Sync Articles: Use the sync feature in the app to get fresharticles.
Interesting Facts App 4.0
Hope Factory
Wow! your friends with the wealth of knowledgein the “Interesting Facts” App.It’s a fun and useful way to spend afew minutes each day to learn new “Interesting Facts” you neverknew before. Our facts are very addictive and once you read one,youwill want to read even more.Did you know that: Sneezing when looking at the sun is calledAutosomal-dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome,which abbreviates to ACHOO?People who post Facebook status updates about their romanticpartner are more likely to have low self-esteem, according toresearch?Features:*User friendly interface.*Get Daily “Interesting Facts”.*Save your “Interesting Facts” to read later.*Get alerts when new “Interesting Facts” are available.*Share your favorite “Interesting Facts” with your friends andfamily.*This application contains advertising to cater for theoverheads.More>>>*Stay Connected: Add your favorite feed,podcast and forum. Usingthe explore feature in the app.*Go Offline: Articles get saved automatically for offlinereading.*Switch App Theme: Choose between light and dark theme to suityour reading experience.*Share Articles: Share interesting reads with your friends onsocial media platforms.*Sync Articles: Use the sync feature in the app to get fresharticles.
Love Quotes App 4.0
Hope Factory
Get an amazing collection of your favoriteLove Quotes and Love Poems. SHARE the love quotes with yoursweetheart and friends. Know how to say it to your sweet someone ina loving way!APP Features:♥User friendly interface.♥Get daily love quotes and love poems.♥Save your love quotes and love poems to read later.♥Get alerts when a new love quote or love poem is available.♥Share your favorite love quotes and love poems with yoursweetheart and friends.♥Send love quotes and love poems viaWhatsApp,SMS,Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Messenger,Chat &more!More>>>*Stay Connected: Add your favorite feed,podcast and forum. Usingthe explore feature in the app.*Go Offline: Articles get saved automatically for offlinereading.*Switch App Theme: Choose between light and dark theme to suityour reading experience.*Share Articles: Share interesting reads with your friends onsocial media platforms.*Sync Articles: Use the sync feature in the app to get fresharticles.
7 Minute Workout App 4.0
Hope Factory
Exercise is an integral part of achievingahealthy lifestyle. In today's fast paced world, a lotofindividuals are finding it hard to exercise. Our app providesandefficient way of exercise in under 7 minutes.This app is inspired by the 7 Minute Workout that wasoriginallypublished in the American College of Sports Medicine’sHealth &Fitness Journal (ACSM'S). The entire workout isapproximately 7minutes and can be repeated 2 to 3 times as desired.It can beeasily acquired in almost any setting (e.g., home, office,hotelroom, The exercise order allows for a total bodyexercise).Now you can get your body in great shape without usinganyequipment or gym whatsoever! All you need is a chair, a wall,andyour own body weight; do each exercise for 30 seconds with a10second rest in between.Caution ~ unless you already exercise everyday, it isadvisableto consult your doctor before starting a new fitnessprogram.Ensure you observe safety during exercise.Scientists have discovered that the best kind of workout isonethat concentrates on the following 12 exercises.7 MINUTES A DAY FOR FITNESSThis exercises are performed for 30 seconds, with 10 secondsrestbetween exercises.1. Jumping jacks ~ Total body2. Wall sit ~ Lower body3. Push-ups ~ Upper body4. Abdominal crunch ~ Abs Core5. Step-ups onto a chair ~ Total body6. Squat ~ Lower body7. Triceps dips on chair ~ Upper body8. Planks ~ Core9. High knees/running in place ~ Total body10. Lunge ~ Lower body11. Push-ups and rotations ~ Upper body12. Side plank ~ CoreMore>>>*Stay Connected: Add your favorite feed,podcast and forum.Usingthe explore feature in the app.*Go Offline: Articles get saved automatically forofflinereading.*Switch App Theme: Choose between light and dark theme tosuityour reading experience.*Share Articles: Share interesting reads with your friendsonsocial media platforms.*Sync Articles: Use the sync feature in the app to getfresharticles.
Everyday Devotionals 4.0
Hope Factory
All Christians need to set time for devotion each day to connectwith God by reading his word. This free devotion app will help youin your journey as a Christian by featuring uplifting devotionsthat will encourage,enlighten,and enrich you in your personal walkwith Jesus Christ . Features: >User friendly interface.>Fresh devotion updated every day for your daily devotions>Search for devotion on specific scriptures. >Get alerts whena new devotion is available. >Star your favourite devotion toread later >Share devotion with your friends and family.>Save devotion to read later. >Easily adjust notificationsfrequency *Use the Explore feature on the app to add more devotioncontent from the web.i.e feeds,podcast,forums and so much more. *Toserve you better we are constantly updating devotion and verses tokeep them fresh for all users, in different parts of the world. Youcan easily adjust how frequent you receive the notifications bymaking changes on the settings tab → synchronization →synchinterval. Be Blessed
Daily Bible Verse App 4.0
Hope Factory
❤More people are reading "Daily Bible Verse" around the world!Thank you!❤ Daily Bible Verse is the ultimate bible verses app forAndroid. The daily bible verse app delivers new bible versesdirectly to your mobile device each day in a simple and easy toread layout. The goal of this app is to give you a short andmeaningful daily bible verse to give you strength,inspiration fordaily christian living. Grow your faith by reading daily bibleverse" on the go. Inspire your mind by reading daily bible verse togive you strength and motivation everyday. "Daily Bible Verse" AppFeatures: >User friendly interface. >Fresh bible versesupdated each day. >Search for bible verses on specific topics>Get alerts when new bible verses are available. >Star yourfavorite bible Verses to read later >Share bible verses withyour friends and family. >Save bible verses to read later. FaithComes By Hearing: ✓Reading bible verses everyday awakens andstrengthens your faith. "Romans 10:17" ✓Reading bible verseseveryday develops you spiritually. "James 1:23", "Ephesians 6:17"✓Reading bible verses everyday enables you to be more prosperousand successful. "Psalms 1:2-3" ✓Reading bible verses everyday ourprayers will be heard. "Psalm 37:4" ✓Reading bible verses everydaygives us hope. "Romans 15:4" ✓Reading bible verses everyday we gainwisdom. "Psalms 119:130" ✓Reading bible verses everyday brings usjoy. "Psalms 119:111" ✓Reading bible verses everyday reminds us ofHis promises. "Titus 1:2" ✓Reading bible verses everyday enables usto battle and defeat the devil. "Ephesians 6:17, "Matthew 4:3-4"✓Reading bible verses everyday you will learn to fear the Lord."Deuteronomy 17:19" ✓Reading bible verses everyday releases ourchains and lifts our burdens. "Psalms 119:28" *Use the Explorefeature on the Daily Bible Verse app to add more bible verses andcontent from the web.i.e feeds,podcast,forums and so much more.★Read bible verses everyday for spiritual nourishment★ ★New bibleVerses are added daily for continuous encouragement!★ #Thank youfor the wonderful reviews! on "Daily Bible Verse" a 5 star ratingsmake us smile :)
Bibelvers des Tages 4.0
Hope Factory
Vers des Tages für Android Eine SammlunglebensverändernderBibelverse, um dich jeden Tag zu sehen,Eigenschaften: >Benutzerfreundliche Schnittstelle. > NeuerVers des Tages wirdjeden Tag aktualisiert. > Suche nach Vers desTages zubestimmten Themen > Benachrichtigungen erhalten, wennein neuerVers des Tages verfügbar ist. > Beginnen Sie IhrenLieblingsversdes Tages, um später zu lesen > Teilen SieBibelverse mit IhrenFreunden und Ihrer Familie. > Speichern SieVers des Tages, umspäter zu lesen. * Verwenden Sie dieExplore-Funktion in der App,um mehr Verse des Tages und Inhalte ausden web.i.e-Feeds,Podcasts, Foren und vielem mehr hinzuzufügen. #Vielen Dank für diewundervollen Bewertungen! 5 Sterne Bewertungenlassen uns lächeln:)
Bijbeltekst van de dag 4.0
Hope Factory
Vers van de dag voor Android Een verzamelinglevensveranderendeBijbelverzen om je elke dag door te zien,Kenmerken: >Gebruikersvriendelijke interface. > Nieuw versvan de dagdagelijks bijgewerkt. > Zoeken naar een vers van dedag overspecifieke onderwerpen > Ontvang meldingen wanneer eennieuwcouplet van de dag beschikbaar is. > Geef je favorietecoupletvan de dag een ster om later te lezen > Deel bijbelverzenmet jevrienden en familie. > Sla het vers van de dag op om hetlaterte lezen. * Gebruik de Explore-functie in de app om meer Versofthe Day en inhoud van de web.i.e-feeds, podcasts, forums ennogveel meer toe te voegen. #Dank je voor de geweldigerecensies!5-sterren beoordelingen doen ons glimlachen :)
Biblický verš dňa 4.0
Hope Factory
Biblický verš dňa pre Android Zbierka životných biblickýchveršov,ktoré vás vidia každodenne, Vlastnosti: > Užívateľskyprívetivérozhranie. > Čerstvé biblické verše sa aktualizujúkaždý deň.> Hľadajte biblické verše o konkrétnych témach >Získajteupozornenia, keď je k dispozícii nový biblický verš. >Zostavtesvoj obľúbený biblický verš, aby ste si ju prečítali neskôr>Zdieľajte biblické verše so svojimi priateľmi a rodinou.>Uložte biblické verše a prečítajte si ich neskôr. * PoužitefunkciuExplore (Explorovať) v aplikácii, aby ste pridali ďalšiebiblickéverše a obsah z webových stránok, napr. Kanály, podcasty,fóra aoveľa viac. # Ďakujeme za nádherné recenzie! Hodnotenie5hodnotenia nás usmieva :)
Verset du Jour 3.0
Hope Factory
OrePlus de gens lisent "Daily Bible Verse" dans le mondeentier!Merci! ❤ Daily Bible Verse est l'application ultime deversetsbibliques pour Android. L'application quotidienne deversetsbibliques fournit de nouveaux versets bibliques directementsurvotre appareil mobile chaque jour dans une mise en page simpleetfacile à lire. Le but de cette application est de vous donnerunverset biblique quotidien court et significatif pour vous donnerlaforce, l'inspiration pour la vie chrétienne quotidienne.Développezvotre foi en lisant des versets bibliques quotidiens "oùque voussoyez. Inspirez votre esprit en lisant des versetsbibliquesquotidiens pour vous donner force et motivation auquotidien.Caractéristiques de l'application "Daily Bible Verse":>Interface conviviale. > Versets bibliques frais mis àjourchaque jour. > Recherche de versets bibliques sur dessujetsspécifiques > Recevez des alertes lorsque de nouveauxversets dela Bible sont disponibles. > Mettez en vedette vosversetsbibliques préférés pour les lire plus tard > Partagezdesversets bibliques avec vos amis et votre famille. >Enregistrezles versets de la Bible pour les lire plus tard. La foivient enentendant: ✓Lire tous les jours des versets de la Bibleéveille etrenforce votre foi. "Romains 10:17" ✓Lire tous les joursdesversets bibliques vous développe spirituellement. "Jacques1:23","Éphésiens 6:17" ✓Lire tous les jours des versets bibliquesvouspermet d'être plus prospère et de réussir. "Psaumes 1:2-3"✓Lecture quotidienne des versets de la Bible, nos prièresserontentendues. "Psaume 37: 4" ✓Lire tous les jours des versets delaBible nous donne de l'espoir. "Romains 15: 4" ✓Lire desversetsbibliques tous les jours nous gagnons en sagesse. "Psaumes119:130" ✓Lire tous les jours des versets de la Bible nous apportedela joie. "Psaumes 119: 111" ✓La lecture quotidienne des versetsdela Bible nous rappelle ses promesses. "Titus 1: 2" ✓Lalecturequotidienne des versets de la Bible nous permet de combattreet devaincre le diable. "Éphésiens 6:17," Matthieu 4: 3-4 " ✓ Enlisanttous les jours des versets de la Bible, vous apprendrez àcraindrele Seigneur. "Deutéronome 17:19" ✓La lecture quotidiennedesversets de la Bible libère nos chaînes et soulève nosfardeaux."Psaumes 119: 28" * Utilisez la fonction Explorer del'applicationDaily Bible Verse pour ajouter plus de versetsbibliques et decontenu à partir des flux web.i.e, des podcasts, desforums et bienplus encore. ★ Lisez tous les jours des versetsbibliques pour unenourriture spirituelle ★ ★ De nouveaux versetsbibliques sontajoutés quotidiennement pour un encouragementcontinu! ★ #Mercipour les merveilleuses critiques! sur "Daily BibleVerse" une notede 5 étoiles nous fait sourire :)
Päivän Jae 3.0
Hope Factory
Lisät ihmiset lukevat "Päivän Jae" ympäri maailmaa! Kiitos!PäivänJae on lopullinen Raamatun jakeiden sovellusAndroidille.Päivittäinen Raamatun jakesovellus toimittaa uudetRaamatun jakeetsuoraan mobiililaitteeseesi päivittäinyksinkertaisella ja helpostiluettavalla asettelulla. Tämänsovelluksen tavoitteena on antaasinulle lyhyt ja mielekäspäivittäinen raamatun jae antaaksesisinulle voimaa, inspiraatiotapäivittäiseen kristilliseenelämiseen. Kasvata uskoasi lukemallapäivittäin Raamatun jae "tienpäällä. Inspiroi mielesi lukemallapäivittäin Raamatun jaettaantaaksesi sinulle voimaa ja motivaatiotajoka päivä. "Päivän Jae"-sovelluksen ominaisuudet: >Käyttäjäystävällinenkäyttöliittymä. > Tuoreet raamatun säkeetpäivitetäänpäivittäin. > Etsi raamatun säkeitä tietyistäaiheista >Hanki ilmoituksia, kun uusia raamatun säkeitä onsaatavana. >Tähti suosikki raamatun jakeesi lukeaksesi myöhemmin> Jaaraamatun säkeet ystävien ja perheen kanssa. > Tallennaraamatunsäkeet lukeaksesi myöhemmin. Usko tulee kuulemalla: ✓Raamatunsäkeiden lukeminen päivittäin herättää ja vahvistaauskoasi."Roomalaiset 10:17" ✓ Raamatun säkeiden lukeminenpäivittäinkehittää sinua henkisesti. "James 1:23", "Efesolaiset6:17" ✓Raamatun säkeiden päivittäinen lukeminen antaa sinunollamenestyvämpi ja menestyvämpi. "Psalmit 1: 2-3" ✓Raamattujajakeitapäivittäin lukevat rukouksemme. "Psalmi 37: 4" ✓ Raamatunsäkeidenlukeminen päivittäin antaa meille toivoa. "Roomalaisille15: 4" ✓Raamatun säkeiden lukeminen päivittäin saamme viisautta."Psalmit119: 130" ✓ Raamatun säkeiden päivittäinen lukeminen tuomeilleiloa. "Psalmit 119: 111" ✓ Raamatun jakeiden päivittäinenlukeminenmuistuttaa meitä Hänen lupauksistaan. "Tiitus 1: 2" ✓Raamatunsäkeiden lukeminen päivittäin antaa meille mahdollisuudentaistellaja voittaa paholaisen. "Ef. 6:17," Matt. 4: 3-4 " ✓LukemallaRaamatun jakeita päivittäin opit pelkäämään Herraa. "5.Moos.17:19" ✓ Raamatun säkeiden lukeminen päivittäin vapauttaaketjut janostaa taakkaamme. "Psalmit 119: 28" * Käytä PäivänJae-sovelluksen Tutki-ominaisuutta lisätäksesi uusia raamatunsäkeitäja sisältöä web.i.e-syötteistä, podcastista, foorumeista janiinedelleen. ★ Lue raamatun säkeet joka päivä henkistä ravintoavarten★ ★ Uusia raamatun säkeitä lisätään päivittäinjatkuvaakannustamista varten! ★ #Kiitos upeista arvosteluista!"PäivänJae": n 5 tähden arvostuksessa saa meidät hymyilemään :)
Inspirational Quotes App 4.0
Hope Factory
❤❤❤More people are reading "Inspirational Quotes" around theworld!Thank you!❤❤❤ Inspirational Quotes App is the ultimatemotivationalquotes app for Android. The Inspirational Quotes Appdelivers newInspirational Quotes directly to your mobile deviceeach day in asimple and easy to read layout. The goal of this appis to give youa meaningful Inspirational Quote and MotivationalQuote toencourage you everyday. You can Favourite, Share andComment any ofthe thousands of inspirational Quotes available.Inspire your mindby reading Inspirational Quotes on the go. We allneed inspirationat different points in our lives. Begin each daywith special“inspirational quotes” to motivate you. “Success eachday should bejudged by the seeds sown, not the harvest reaped.”..... “All ourdreams can come true, if we have the courage topursue them.”.....Each day is a blessing that brings an abundanceof happiness.Findmore quotes i.e “inspirational” and “motivational”Studies haveproven that those people who are able to view lifethrough positiveeyes, live happier and healthier lives than thosewho do not. Theability to process life with a half full glassrather than a halfempty glass is an obvious strength. To many apositive outlook isindeed a gift in itself. Life has an abundantarray of positivequotes to guide us in our life's journey. Those ofus who trulyembrace these very quotes and their meanings findourselves fullyloving life. That which is gained from thesemessages offers thereader reassurance and confidence as well asinner peace. In lifechallenges and hardships are common toeveryone. However, theability to handle what happens to us in apositive, healthy manneris what truly defines the person that weare. Positive thoughtsbreed positive results. Certainly theseresults lead to a rewardingand fulfilling life!! Take a few momentsnow to read and embracethe inspiring quotes we offer here. We arededicated to happyhealthy lives and we believe our positive quoteswill accomplishthe same for you. Inspirational Quotes App Features:+User friendlyinterface. +Fresh Inspirational Quotes updated eachday. +Searchfor Inspirational Quotes on specific topics +Get alertswhen newInspirational Quotes are available. +Star yourfavoriteInspirational Quote to read later + Best inspirationalquotes withpictures! +Share Inspirational Quotes with your friendsand family.+Save Inspirational Quotes to read later. OtherCategories============== Art Quotes Life Quotes Love Quotes FearQuotes HopeQuotes Faith Quotes Goals Quotes Funny Quotes SmileQuotes NatureQuotes Change Quotes Birthday Quotes Wisdom QuotesCourage QuotesAttitude Quotes Positive Quotes Success QuotesStrength QuotesPatience Quotes Adversity Quotes Character QuotesFriendship QuotesHappiness Quotes Leadership Quotes ImaginationQuotesMore>>> *Stay Connected: Add your favoritefeed,podcastand forum. Using the explore feature in the app. *GoOffline:Articles get saved automatically for offline reading.*Switch AppTheme: Choose between light and dark theme to suit yourreadingexperience. *Share Articles: Share interesting reads withyourfriends on social media platforms. *Sync Articles: Use thesyncfeature in the app to get fresh articles.
Christian Quotes 4.0
Hope Factory
❤More people are reading "Christian Quotes" around the world! Thankyou!❤ Christian Quotes is the ultimate christian quotes app forAndroid. The christian quotes app delivers new christian quotesdirectly to your mobile device in a simple and easy to read layout.The goal of this app is to give you an inspirational christianquote to motivate you each day. Christian Quotes App Features:>User friendly interface. >Fresh christian quotes updatedeach day. >Search for christian quotes on specific topics>Get alerts when new christian quotes are available. >Staryour favorite christian quotes to read later >Share christianquotes with your friends and family. >Save christian quotes toread later. *Use the Explore feature on the christian quotes app toadd more christian quotes and content from the web.i.efeeds,podcast,forums and so much more. ★Read christian quotes fordaily motivation★ ★New christian quotes are added daily forcontinuous encouragement!★ #Thank you for the wonderful reviews! on"Christian Quotes" a 5 star ratings make us smile :)
Versículo do Dia 4.0
Hope Factory
Verso do dia para Android Uma coleção de versículos bíblicosquemudam a vida para vê-lo através de todos os dias,Características:> Interface amigável. > Verso fresco do diaatualizado a cadadia. > Pesquisar verso do dia em tópicosespecíficos > Recebaalertas quando um novo verso do dia estiverdisponível. > Starseu verso favorito do dia para ler mais tarde> Compartilheversos da Bíblia com seus amigos e familiares. >Salve oversículo do dia para ler mais tarde. * Use o recursoExplore noaplicativo para adicionar mais Verse of the Day econteúdo daweb.i.e feeds, podcast, fóruns e muito mais. # Obrigadopelasmaravilhosas críticas! Avaliações de 5 estrelas nos fazemsorrir :)
Versetto del Giorno 4.0
Hope Factory
❤Più persone leggono il "Versetto del Giorno" in tutto il mondo!Grazie! ❤ Versetto del Giorno è l'ultima app per versi della Bibbiaper Android. L'app del Versetto del Giorno offre nuovi versettidella Bibbia direttamente sul tuo dispositivo mobile ogni giorno inun layout semplice e di facile lettura. L'obiettivo di questa app èdarti un breve e significativo Versetto del Giorno per darti forza,ispirazione per la vita cristiana quotidiana. Fai crescere la tuafede leggendo il Versetto del Giorno "in movimento. Ispira la tuamente leggendo il Versetto del Giorno per darti forza e motivazioneogni giorno. Caratteristiche app "Versetto del Giorno": >Interfaccia intuitiva. > Fresco Versetto del Giorno aggiornatoogni giorno. > Cerca il Versetto del Giorno su argomentispecifici > Ricevi avvisi quando sono disponibili nuovi Versettodel Giorno. > Stella il tuo Versetto del Giorno preferito daleggere in seguito > Condividi il Versetto del Giorno con i tuoiamici e familiari. > Salva i versetti della Bibbia da leggere inseguito. La fede viene ascoltando: ✓Leggi il Versetto del Giornoogni giorno risveglia e rafforza la tua fede. ✓Leggi il Versettodel Giorno ogni giorno ti sviluppa spiritualmente. ✓Leggi ilVersetto del Giorno ogni giorno ti permette di essere più prosperoe di successo. ✓ Leggendo il Versetto del Giorno le nostrepreghiere saranno ascoltate. ✓Leggi il Versetto del Giorno ci dàsperanza. ✓Leggi il Versetto del Giorno acquisiamo saggezza. ✓Leggiil Versetto del Giorno ci porta gioia. ✓Leggi il Versetto delGiorno ci ricorda le sue promesse. ✓Leggi il Versetto del Giorno cipermette di combattere e sconfiggere il diavolo. ✓ Leggendo ilVersetto del Giorno ogni giorno imparerai a temere il Signore.✓Leggi il Versetto del Giorno ogni giorno libera le nostre catene esolleva i nostri pesi. * Usa la funzione Esplora dell'app delVersetto del Giorno per aggiungere altri versi e contenuti dellaBibbia dal web, ad esempio feed, podcast, forum e molto altroancora. ★ Leggi i versetti della Bibbia ogni giorno per ilnutrimento spirituale ★ ★ Nuovi versetti della Bibbia vengonoaggiunti ogni giorno per incoraggiamento continuo! ★ #Grazie per lemeravigliose recensioni! su "Versetto del Giorno" a 5 stelle cifanno sorridere :)
Versículo Del Día 4.0
Hope Factory
Verso del día para Android Una colección de versículos de laBibliaque cambian la vida para verte a diario, caracteristicas:>Interfaz fácil de usar. > Nuevo versículo del díaactualizadocada día. > Busque el versículo del día sobre temasespecíficos> Recibe alertas cuando hay un nuevo versículo deldíadisponible. > Destaque su verso favorito del día para leermástarde > Comparta versículos de la Biblia con sus amigosyfamiliares. > Guarde el versículo del día para leer más tarde.*Use la función Explorar en la aplicación para agregar más Versodeldía y contenido de la web. Es decir, feeds, podcasts, foros ymuchomás. # ¡Gracias por las maravillosas críticas! Calificacionesde 5estrellas nos hacen sonreír :)